Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Primary School Teacher viewed gay porn at school

Author: Gary Bush
Paul Buckley, 61, admitted the allegations at a conduct hearing of the Standard Teaching Council (GTC), in Birmingham, today.

Mr Buckley, who was head at the school for 16 years, was a standard local figure and had been to a great extend involved in the local Conservative Party. "The PC in question was in Mr Buckley's office and was not in the vicinity of children. Avon and Somerset Police said at the time he was arrested and given a caution after being questioned by officers. GTC conduct hearing chair Gloria Hyatt said Mr Buckley's behaviour fell short of the acceptable conduct and standards of propriety expected of teachers. He likewise admitted attempting to access gay porn web sites blocked by the South West Grid for Learning, a local authority intranet service.

Mr Buckley had been arrested for assault not long before he decided to leave his post in June 2006. He said: "He likewise admits to accessing inappropriate gay porn websites on his school laptop while at home. But at the hearing it was revealed that Mr Buckley had been caught by a colleague looking at gay porn sites, including one featuring men dressed as soldiers. In relation to Mr Buckley looking at images on his PC at school, Mr Segovia said: "I assume that it is in school time and that he must be concentrating on his role within the school.

" It was not revealed during the hearing who encountered Mr Buckley's transgressions. " "One of the issues is that though the laptop was employed at home, there is always the chance that someone will come into contact with that material. The former head of Combe Down Principal School had quit his post without warning in June 2006 reasoning 'stress'. He refused looking at the indecent images while in the presence of whatever pupils or children.

"There is a divergence among looking at images like this in the classroom in front of children than observing them in a room separate from that. Yusuf Segovia, presenting the case for the GTC, said that Mr Buckley had always admitted to observing the images. A spokeswoman for the GTC said Mr Buckley admitted a series of allegations including that he accessed inappropriate gay porn sites on his school laptop whilst at home and viewed inappropriate images on his PC whilst in school.

She said: "He has no aim of going back to teaching either as head or whatever other role. The case is continuing. A former Bath primary school headteacher has admitted looking at gay porn on his PC while in school.

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